1. heartMany people find it difficult to open up and share problems they have, or the struggles they face. This could be their pride that get’s in the way and/or the fact that they are afraid to trust others with their burdens due to their past experiences. All of us have been hurt deeply by someone. It may have been a parent, a sibling, a former friend, a relative, a partner or an ex, a teacher, a work associate, or perhaps even a stranger. It may be a hurt that came from abusive treatment or even a violent act. It may have been something that somebody should have done but didn’t. A failed expectation of some sort.

When I’ve experienced hurt, I have often gone into a world of retreat and isolation for a time. At times I allowed my brokenness to trap me into a victim mentality and found myself lashing out, or acting out of low self-esteem. I either built up walls or got terribly sad and depressed when things did not go the way I was hoping they would.

In my journey of recovery I’ve had to realize that all people, including ourselves, are inherently untrustworthy. People will fail us. We are not perfect and we will hurt others too. Once I started to fully surrender my life, my mind and emotions, did God begin to work His healing in my life at a deeper level. In this journey of healing God is helping me to love others genuinely which of course is helping me to forgive others as well as myself.

God tells us clearly in His word to bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances we have against one another. We must forgive as the Lord forgives (Col 3:13). What we need to understand is that Jesus not only has the power to forgive, but He empowers us with the ability to forgive others just as we have been forgiven.

Life is never as straight forward as we would like it to be. People are not always predictable as we would like them to be. People do not always make sense. We will all experience the unexpected in life and we have to work through our trust issues no matter how hard it will be. If we don’t work through these issues then our inability to trust will hold us back from experiencing true joy and fulfillment in our relationships and most importantly with God. God doesn’t want us to live a life full of anger, bitterness, skepticism, fear, doubt and lack of trust. He wants us to live a life of love so that we may shine for Jesus in this dark and confusing world.

SURRENDER your heart and mind to God today and EVERYDAY.